This is a guide for deploying an NFT Marketplace dapp on the gather network testnet.


  1. Metamask or any web3 wallet configured with Gather testnet.

  2. Testnet GTHs.

  3. Install NodeJS, should work with any node version below 16.5.0.

  4. Install Hardhat.

STEP - 1:

Clone/Download the repository on your local machine.

git clone

STEP - 2:

Install dependencies.

cd nft_marketplace
npm install

STEP - 3:

Create a .env file in the root directory. Copy the content from existing .env.example into .env file.

Update your Gather network account private key in the .env file.

STEP - 4:

Migrate Smart Contracts to Gather testnet. At this step, we are deploying our smart contract on the Gather testnet. You can also deploy your contract on other Ethereum-based test networks, but for that network, configurations need to be changed.

npx hardhat run src/backend/scripts/deploy.js --network gather_testnet

STEP - 5:

As the smart contracts are deployed on the Gather testnet, now we can start our dapp frontend and interact with the deployed smart contract.

npm run start

STEP - 6:

Now you can connect your MetaMask wallet account with dapp. Click on the Connect Wallet button on the top right. Once you connect your MetaMask account you can see your account address in place of Connect Wallet button and then start using the marketplace.

Your dapp is successfully launched. In the home section you can see NFTs available on the marketplace to buy, currently no NFTs are listed. You can create an NFT in the create section. You can check your listed NFTs and your purchases as well.


Last updated